How to Perform Routine Maintenance of a Lithium GPU

Lithium ground power units require there to be routine maintenance.

A lithium ground power unit is essentially a means for providing portable grouportable-ground-power-nd power to an aircraft. It includes a lithium ion cell battery assembly that is designed into a single unit and housed inside a compartmentalized box. The battery management unit sets the charging and discharging limits and monitors the state of the charge and health at all times. Working in conjunction to this, the charging connector and charging circuitry allow for simultaneous charging and connection into auxiliary units. Now, after GPU’s have gone through constant use, they’ll need to be checked out by a specialist. Without doing this, your ground power unit will not perform accurately and the charge that the plane receives will vary on the GPU’s ability to function.

Keep a Lookout for These Areas

For instance, if your lithium GPU has gone through more than 300 hours since its last inspection, you will need an oil and fuel filter change – be sure to check the air filter as well. Not only that, but the engine must also be inspected – this includes the wiring, connections, and sensors.

Be on the lookout for tightness and bare spots within the circuitry and board. If your unit comes with an electronic actuator, all of the linkage should be checked for binding as well as lubrication – if necessary. The intake hoses and exhaust piping must all be retightened and, most importantly, the batteries have to show the proper electrolyte levels. The batteries can be easily replaced if necessary. However, this is one of the main areas that should be inspected at all times.

Start Pac offers reliable ground power units, portable power supply units, battery packs, and lithium batteries. To browse their inventory, visit them online today.